b'PerspectiveMaking human connections and helping employees feel valued is the job of leaders. Being GratefulChester EltonFor leaders wanting to attract and retain exceptional talent and better engage their people, authors Chester Elton and Adrian Gostick say the solution might be right under their noses. Showing gratitude to employees is the easiest, fastest, and most inexpensive way to boost performance and transform the way organizations operate.Leading with Gratitude is filled with practical advice and insights on how to incorporate gratitude into how one leads. COVID-19 and the pandemic response along with the personal and economic impacts of both have reallyBy checking in with people and helping them see theyve changed the leadership calculus with much discussion onmade appreciable progress each day, leaders can boost the importance of resiliency and flexibility. Along with beingenergy levels considerably. Frequent gratitude also gives flexible and resilient, leaders must also recognize how thisteam members perspective that setbacks arent the end of the new normal is affecting their staff. It is about navigatingworld and can point out achievementseven small onesthis uncertain time by emphasizing the importance ofthey may have overlooked. Rewarded behavior gets repeated. expressing gratitude towards those who work, day in and dayDelaying expressions of gratitude prevents effective positive out, to execute a leaders vision. reinforcement. Gratitude does not get old if its aligned with what the leader and the team value most. Chester Elton joined me on The Business of Government Hour to discuss their book and underscore how leading withThe most important take away of all is that leading with gratitude can help both leaders and staff make it throughgratitude isnt just about being nice; its about being smartuncertain times. really smartand its a skill that everyone can easily learn. For some leaders, learning to practice the soft stuff like this Elton identifies seven ingratitude myths that are holdingmight feel too mushy and touchy-feely. But making human leaders back from recognizing the power and value ofconnections is the job of leaders, and helping employees feel gratitude. These myths create what the authors call thevalued and providing a little boost of joy at work can make a ingratitude gap that chasm between awareness of gratitudeshuge difference.benefits and the failure of so many leaders to show it properly causing them to withhold thanks when it could be a strategic differentiator.Every small step toward an organizations goals and values is worthy of acknowledgement. The ongoing, cumulative effect of small outcomes can be significant. Research finds the single most important factor in boosting motivation in the creative process is when employees feel they are making daily progress in meaningful work. One of the most distinctive attributes of great leaders is they notice and express appreciation for small-scale efforts as much as they celebrate major achievements. This allows them to find ways to inspire all their people to stretch and grow. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAy9h-msyQg2022 IBM Center for The Business of Government 63'