b'Conversations with LeadersSecuring the necessary resources to sustain our growth and facilitate technology adoption across DoD is one of my top priorities. On Informing and Shaping a VisionUnderstanding the strategic competition we have with Michael Brown China is what brought me to DIU. We havent faced such a competitor in our history. This competition is multifacetedit is economic, technological, geopolitical, ideological, and likely will define the next fifty years. China is a much bigger economy and is more integrated into the global economy than the Soviets, during the Cold War. This The third challenge centers on making sure we can transitionreality shapes and informs the strategic vision of the DIU. commercial technology. We look at how we are changing the process inside the Pentagon to properly transitionThe question is: how do we drive more impact? Our impact commercial technology into a military context. For instance,is both in identifying the most critical projects to work on there is a commercial technology capability that has beenand ensuring a transition so that the vendor is successful proven to work in a military environment. But our challengethrough a production contract and that the capability is is to make sure we have a production contract, the budget toscaled to our warfighters. We have seventy-five projects move forward, and a way to make that technology scalableunderway at this pointmore than ever before (and double for use by our warfighters. Getting the department ready toour historical average)supporting every military branch adopt commercial technology and establish processes toand many defense agencies and commands. Were also scale commercial tech is quite a challenge. working with more companies than ever beforeassessing 12 www.businessofgovernment.org The Business of Government'