Moving to Public-Private Partnerships: Learning from Experience around the World

In recent years, many government agencies have sought new project delivery methods. Because of the many drawbacks to the traditional competitive bidding process, new procurement and project delivery methods have been sought.

This project examines new innovative techniques, such as the design-build-maintain (DBM) and the design-build-maintain-operation (DBMO) contracts. Civil infrastructure is used as a case study to illustrate innovative methods of contracting. Co

Modernizing Human Resources at the Internal Revenue Service

This project describes the many human resource innovations that have taken place in the Internal Revenue Service over the past five years. Organizational human resource innovations include splitting the personnel function in IRS into three parts: the Office of Strategic Human Resource Management, agency-wide Shared Services, and "embedded" human resource units in each of the major operating divisions. This project also describes the use of broadbanding at the IRS.

Mediation at Work: Transforming Workplace Conflict at the United States Postal Service

This study addresses the history, implementation, management, institutionalization and evaluation of the world’s largest employment mediation program, the United States Postal Service’s REDRESS (Resolve Employment Disputes, Reach Equitable Solutions Swiftly) Program. Designed and implanted top-down as alternative dispute resolution for complaints of discrimination, it also served as a bottom-up method for changing how employees and supervisors handle conflict at work through its award-winning use of transformative mediation.


Measuring the Performance in E-Government

This project proposes to find and track current government use of performance measures for monitoring e-government performance at the local, state and federal levels. This information can then be used by other jurisdictions to aid in their own performance measurement efforts-- to the benefit of all e-government activities. minnesota, mississippi, texas, virginia Technology and E-Government

Managing Workfare: The Case of the Work Experience Program in the New York City Parks Department

This report examines the implementation of welfare reform in the United States, specifically in New York City. In the future, many local governments will be faced with the challenge and opportunities presented by the presence of former welfare recipients in the workforce. New York City has the largest local workfare population in the United States, and the New York City Parks Department manages one of the city's largest Work Experience Program (WEP) workforces. Innovation


Managing the New Multipurpose, Multidiscipline University Research Center: Institutional Innovation in the Academic Community

One of the most dramatic changes in U.S. policy in decades, largely undocumented, is the gradual shift from funding individual projects to funding science centers. This study includes historical analysis of the evolution of science centers, focusing on the new (post-1975) science and technology centers and explores what are the management imperatives resulting from this new mode of organizing scientific research. nsf, national science foundationCollaboration: Networks and Partnerships


Managing Telecommuting in the Federal Government: An Interim Report

This report analyzes and evaluates telecommuting in the public sector. It focuses on two federal agencies to describe the implementation and management of telecommuting. The results are recommendations of best practices and suggestions for improvement for telecommuting in the public sector. Human Capital Management


Managing Outcomes: Milestone Contracting in Oklahoma

This report documents examples of milestone contracting between public agencies and social service nonprofit agencies, with a particular focus on a recent innovation in Oklahoma's way of managing its contracts with nonprofit organizations. Oklahoma's milestone contracting specifies a series of distinct and critical achievements and confers payment for a set of collaboratively defined programmatic results. This approach is explored in greater detail by examining Oklahoma's approach, while also thinking through a full range of potential uses of this emerging contract system.

Managing Decentralized Departments: The Case of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Since its creation in 1953 as an amalgam of several existing agencies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (originally the Department of Health, education and Welfare) has struggled to find the appropriate balance between centralized functions in the Office of the Secretary and autonomy to the various agencies and bureaus contained within its boundaries. Over the years, the pendulum has swung back and forth between emphasis on centralization and decentralization.

Managing Across Boundaries: A Case Study of Dr. Helene Gayle and the AIDS Epidemic

A major challenge facing the public sector in the years ahead will be to manage across boundaries. To better understand the challenge of boundary-spanning management, this report profiles Dr. Helen Gayle, Director of the National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHSTP) at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). In her role as Director of the Center, Dr. Gayle is responsible for working closely with the United Nations and other international organizations and nations in combating the AIDS epidemic. Collaboration: Networks and Partnerships
