UK Public Service Agreements

Volumes have been written on how to develop performance measures and targets.  However, comparatively little has been written on how to use measures to monitor or manage.  In the U.S., there have been efforts via the Clinton-era Presidential Performance Agreements

Weekly Round-up - August 20, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda:
This week I seemed to find news about transparency (the good cop to accountability's bad cop) in unlikely places. Or at least places I don't normally look.

Yes We Can . . . Compare Apples to Oranges

One of the criticisms of the current state of the federal government's open data feeds is that they have yet to produce much measurable change in people's daily lives.  The cartoon below makes that point, as does Matt Rosenberg's 3/17/2010 post, "Mark Drapeau: Gov 2.0 Apps Need Staying Power" in Social Capital Review.  The problem isn't lack of data.  What is missing is two components: First, visualizations of the data that incorporate all the important in

Intelligent Transportation System for the 21st Century

What are some of the critical transportation challenges facing the U.S.?

How is RITA forging Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for the 21st Century?

What is IntelliDrive?

How does RITA use statistics and analysis in its efforts to improvement transportation systems?





Rethinking Financial Reporting

The experience of implementing the Recovery Act’s financial reporting website sent a message to the financial management community in Washington.  OMB controller Danny Werfel tells the story of how the web version of the 2009 financial statement of one large agency (that has more than 400 financial management staff) only had 400 visits.  This contrast

Interagency Collaboration Practices

One of the better Open Gov plans for collaboration is the one by the Department of Agriculture.  It sets out four goals: (1) create an environment that fosters partnerships in program and service delivery; (2) seek out innovative ideas; (3) create incentives to collaborate; and (4) use technology to support coll

Of Trees and Teleworking

In the past couple of weeks, the DC metro area was wracked by massive storms that compounded commuting woes (and split an apartment building in half).  My commuting time more than doubled.  Much-malig

Delivering over one billion gallons of quality drinking water daily to over 8 million NYC residents

How does NYC DEP protect the environmental health, welfare and natural resources of the City and its residents?

What does it take to deliver over one billion gallons of quality drinking water daily to over 8 million residents?

How is NYC greening its operations and making them more sustainable?

What steps are being taken to maintain NYC's water system for the next hundred years?

