Harnessing Technology & Charting the Future of Weapons, Systems, and Platforms: A Conversation with VADM Frank Morley, Principal Military Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy

What is the U.S. Department of the Navy doing to field weapons, systems, and platforms that give it a technological edge over adversaries? How has the Navy's acquisition strategy evolved in recent years to better meet the needs of modern warfare and technological advancements? What is the U.S. Navy doing to modernize its fleet assets and ensure sailors and marines have the resources they need to maintain high levels of operational readiness?
Broadcast Date: 
Monday, June 10, 2024 - 09:44

Vice Admiral Frank Morley, Principal Military Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy

Vice Adm. Frank Morley is a native of Phoenix, Arizona. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Physics and a commission as an ensign from the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps at San Diego State University. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School and holds a Master of Science in Aviation Systems from the University of Tennessee.

New Research Report Recipients

We are pleased to announce our latest round of awards for new reports on key public sector challenges, which respond to priorities identified in the Center's research agenda. Our content is intended to stimulate and accelerate the production of practical research that benefits public sector leaders and managers.

We expect the following reports to be published starting in late 2024.  Short summaries of each report follow:

Exploring the Use of AI in Military & Defense Operations

As noted in a recent IBM Institute for Business Value research brief, “Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a critical and strategic capability for defense organizations around the world, offering immense benefits such as improved efficiency, accuracy, and decision making.

A Meeting of the Minds: The Center’s New Advisory Council

The IBM Center for The Business of Government is honored to announce the formation of a new advisory council. The members of this Council are former international, federal, and state and local government executives, and leaders from academia and nonprofit partners.


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Exploring Artificial Intelligence within the Military and Defense Context: Reflections on SPADE 2024

What is the current state of AI in Defense. What role does industry play in maturing its application and deployment? How can AI power Decision Advantage for the U.S. and its Allies? What can we learn from the SPADE Defense Conference 2024? Join host Michael J Keegan for a Special Edition of The Business of Government with Terry Halvorsen, former CIO at U.S Dept of Defense and senior executive with IBM.
Broadcast Date: 
Monday, June 3, 2024 - 10:57

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Emerging Technologies in Defense Intelligence: Balancing Innovation and Integration

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a critical and strategic capability for defense organizations around the world, offering immense benefits such as improved efficiency, accuracy, and decision making.

It has the potential to revolutionize military operations to improve mission outcomes and gain decision advantage.(1)

Bridging the Gap: Unlocking the AI Decision Advantage for Defense

Blog Co-Author: David Zaharchuk, Research Director, Thought Leadership, IBM Institute for Business Value

The potential benefits of AI in defense are vast.  Defense industry leaders are turning to AI as a strategic capability to augment tactical superiority, enhance operational efficacy, and boost efficiency. However, realizing these advantages requires a deep understanding of the complexities involved in integrating AI into defense operations.
