The Anti-Social Business

NOTE: Today I've invited a colleague, John Bordeaux, to be a guest blogger.  Hope you enjoy his insights as much as I do!

Customer Service Guidance from OMB

Six weeks ago, President Obama signed an executive order, “Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service,” directing agencies to develop customer service plans by the end of October.  The Office of Management and Budget finally released its guidance to agencies on how to prepare those plans.

Government Transformation to Improve Program Outcomes

Recently, President Obama spoke at the South by Southwest Conference (SXSW).  “We are at a moment in history where technology, globalization, and our economy is changing so fast,” he said. “Those changes offer us enormous opportunities but also are very disruptive and unsettling. They empower individuals to do things that they could have never dreamed of before, but they also empower folks who are very dangerous to spread dangerous messages.” Then he gave his pitch.  “So the reason I’m here really is to recruit all of you.”  Why is disruptive innovation on the president’s agenda?

“Fit for Purpose?” Challenges for Irish Public Administration and Priorities for Public Service Reform.”

Not too long ago Ireland was the miracle of the “Celtic Tiger” and briefly the second-richest country in the European Union.  Then came the economic crisis - leaving Ireland’s people in a wrenching recession and the Irish government carrying an intolerably large debt burden.

Weekly Round-up: June 17. 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Highlights of Senate GPRA Oversight Hearing

What sparked his imagination?  Here’s a link to the hearing record.

Lead off witnesses included Chief Performance Officer Jeff Zients and Comptroller General Gene Dodaro (who Carper jokingly referred to as Zients’ “wingman”).  Here are some testimony highlights from Zients:

Executive Branch Implementation Steps To Date. 

Weekly Round-up - May 13, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda


Advice to Chief Operating Officers: Connect the Dots!

It is not clear if the Obama Administration is providing strategic advice to agencies on how to cope with the various management initiatives it has underway or is in the process of launching, but the newly-redesignated Chief Operating Officers in departments and key agencies should quickly see the connections among them, and leverage them to their advantage. 

Social Media for Government 101 - Course Description with Reading List

A few months ago, I was approached by a university and asked if I could teach a Social Media class.  Though I have not committed to teaching the class (those of you who grade papers will know why), I have put together a rough outline of what I'd like to cover, how I'd structure the class and what texts I'd like to assign.  Below is that course description.  

Next week, I'll share the writing assignments and other hands-on elements the class would encompass.


Social Media in Government


Think Globally, Act Locally: Implications of the International Cyberspace Strategy for Federal Leaders and Managers

On Monday, at an event with the Secretaries of State, Commerce, Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Deputy Secretary of Defense, the Obama Administration released its international strategy for cyberspace.  The strategy, described in a post from White House Cyber Coordinator Howard Schmidt, for the first time outlines a number of principles that the US will follow i
