Friday, August 13, 2010
Highlights from the second week of August, 2010.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Teleworking saves people and offices money and helps protect the environment, but employees who want to telework often face stiff barriers.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The Business of Government Hour: Conversation with Cas Holloway, Commissioner of the NYC Dept. of Environmental Protection
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Emerging Public-Private Approaches to Enhancing Food Safety
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Grumblers are complaining the Obama Administration has not proactively defined a performance agenda, even as it approaches the half way point of its first term. But I think they have a fairly radical agenda. They just happen to be using a stealth approach
Friday, August 6, 2010
This week: transparency vs. privacy? and OMB
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Surveys show that the public would have more confidence in government if it could get rid of duplicative and overlapping programs. Can we do this? Should we do this? GAO has been mandated to figure this out.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
The Center for American Progress (CAP) created a 16-point agenda for “building a government that delivers greater value and results to the American people.” A recent independent poll surveyed Americans on how they would prioritize the agenda.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Americans, especially millenials, want better, not smaller gov’t, according to a recent survey. Why is this, and how can gov’t employees deliver?
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Spring 2010 Forum in The Business of Government magazine explores analytics and enterprise risk management.



Envisioning the Road Ahead:  The Future of Data and Analytics

Envisioning the Road Ahead:  The Future of Civic Engagement

Envisioning the Road Ahead:  The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Envisioning the Road Ahead:  The Future of Work 

Visions of Government in 2040:  Perspectives on the Future - Leading the Cities of the Future

Visions of Government in 2040:  Citizen-Driven Government - Boundaryless Organizations

Visions of Government in 2040: Networked Government

Visions of Government in 2040: Engaged Government: Five Predictions for 2040

Visions of Government in 2040: Perspectives on the Future -- A Report from Mars

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years - Assessing Risk

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years—Becoming Collaborative

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years - Social Media

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years—Using Data

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years—Managing Performance

Government Reform over the Past 20 Years—Going Digital

Learning from the Past to Anticipate the Future: A New Center Book Assesses the Long Arc of Government Reform

The IBM Center Marks a 20-Year Milestone


Watch a video from our event featuring two panels of academics and government leaders as they reflect on 20 years and look forward 20 years in government.

Watch the highlights of our event filmed by Government Matters.


"Hope for Reforming Government in Polarized Times?" Government Executive

"Having a consistent OMB DDM can impact federal management more than any specific agenda." Federal News Network

"Learning from Government's Past to Anticipate its Future." Government Executive