Assessing a State's Readiness for Global Electronic Commerce: Lessons from the Ohio Experience

This report describes the new tools and methodologies needed to measure a state's readiness for global electronic commerce. The state of Ohio is used as a prototype and as an example for this study. The report also evaluates the measurement process including problems and challenges in deploying a statewide measurement effort. ohio, ohTechnology and E-Government

Applying 21st-Century Government to the Challenge of Homeland Security

This paper describes the emerging implementation strategies of government in the twenty-first century. The first section describes three models of government available to policy makers who believe that the bureaucratic model cannot solve the problems at hand: Reinvented Government, Government by Network and Government by Market. Reinvented Government is government shorn of many public sector trappings and geared towards performance.

An Assessment of Brownfield Redevelopment Policies: The Michigan Experience

This report examines the effects of Michigan's newly adopted brownfield legislation that promotes the redevelopment of contaminated industrial sites in urban centers. The study measures the success of Michigan’s innovative brownfield program, and identifies best practices among municipalities conducting redevelopment efforts. The results provide insight on environmental policy reform to Congress, the EPA, and other state and local governments considering similar policy

Advancing High End Computing: Linking to National Goals

The report discusses the critical importance of high end computing (HEC) to science, engineering and the overall research and development system of the nation, as well as the role of policy-makers in ensuring HEC’s continued advancement. Professors Rogers and Bozeman address the importance of high end computing as a tool for achieving national goals and the application needs of the scientific, research and business community. Innovation

A Weapon on the War for Talent: Using Special Authorities to Recruit Crucial Personnel

To meet the need for highly skilled professionals and administrators whose talents are in great demand in the public and private sectors, Congress has given special authority to certain federal agencies to hire such people under streamlined procedures and at salaries that are very high by federal standards. This report inventories and describes the various applications of these authorities in different agencies. The study analyzes the uses to which these authorities have been put and assesses their value to the agencies.

A Vision of the Government as a World-Class Buyer: Major Procurement Issues for the Coming Decade

This report includes an analysis of the key issues facing government procurement and the steps that must be taken to address those issues. The study describes a "vision" of the government's procurement process at the end of the decade and how to efficiently and effectively transition to this "vision." Contracting


A Learning-Based Approach to Leading Change

This report examines the experiences of five federal agencies which are currently running focused initiatives to apply the tools, principles and perspectives of organizational learning. As a program assessment, this study addresses the successes and failures of organizational learning based on these five case studies, and presents these findings to the community at-large. Human Capital Management

A Changing Workforce: Understanding Diversity Programs in the Federal Government

This report assesses the scope and effectiveness of the "managing diversity" initiatives undertaken by many federal agencies. Despite the significant amount of public funding expended on these inititatives, there has been very little systematic evaluation of their success. This study identifies those practices that have been most effective in creating an equitable work environment. Human Capital Management

Performance Management for Political Executives: A 'Start Where You Are, Use What You Have' Guide

Wye describes how political executives can overcome common problems in the design, alignment, use, and communication of performance measures and information. The report links performance-based management to the higher calling of public service and provides a meaningful rationale as to why political executives should care about performance-based management. In the past, political appointees have traditionally focused primarily on the political agenda, without much attention given to management responsibilities.

Pay for Performance: A Guide for Federal Managers

This report provides timely advice to federal managers involved in the planning and implementation of pay-for-performance systems. It examines arguments for and against pay for performance, reviews various approaches to pay for performance, and discusses the challenge of implementing such systems. It also provides a framework for developing and evaluating specific pay-for-performance policies and management practices.
