Submitted by ABarnes on Wed, 04/04/2018 - 15:14
Howard Risher is a consultant to numerous organizations, including the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA), where he has worked on studies related to employee compensation and performance in the federal government. He was a member of the project team for the 2004 report Recommending Performance-Based Federal Pay. He previously was a member of the NAPA teams that prepared reports on the Senior Executive Service and on a new personnel system for federal IT specialists.
Submitted by ABarnes on Mon, 03/26/2018 - 12:00
Thomas H. Stanton teaches at Johns Hopkins University. He is President of the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM) and a former member of the federal Senior Executive Service. He is a Fellow and former board member of the National Academy of Public Administration and formerly chaired the Academy’s Standing Panel on Executive Organization and Management. With a career that spans the practical and the academic, Mr Stanton’s work has led to the creation of new federal offices and approaches to delivering public services more effectively.
Submitted by GPierre on Wed, 02/28/2018 - 15:02
Jonathan D. Breul was the Executive Director of the IBM Center for The Business of Government and a Partner in IBM Global Business Services. The IBM Center for The Business of Government helps public sector executives improve the effectiveness of government with practical ideas and original thinking. The Center sponsors independent research by top minds in academe and the non-profit sector, and creates opportunities for dialogue on a broad range of public management topics.
Submitted by GPierre on Mon, 02/26/2018 - 15:14
Thomas H. Stanton teaches at Johns Hopkins University. He is President of the Association for Federal Enterprise Risk Management (AFERM) and a former member of the federal Senior Executive Service. He is a Fellow and former board member of the National Academy of Public Administration and formerly chaired the Academy’s Standing Panel on Executive Organization and Management. With a career that spans the practical and the academic, Mr Stanton’s work has led to the creation of new federal offices and approaches to delivering public services more effectively. Mr.
Submitted by rthomas on Thu, 01/25/2018 - 12:34
Government managers, however, can use these new approaches to dramatically improve the performance of their programs, if done right.
Submitted by rthomas on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 12:21
The forum participants comprised a range of stakeholders in the federal performance and results management system: agency performance improvement officers, strategic planners, program evaluation leaders, and priority goal leaders. In addition, there were participants from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Federal agencies, Congress, the Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Research Service, academia, state and local government, unions, and non-profits – all of whom play a role in improving government performance.
Submitted by TFryer on Mon, 01/22/2018 - 21:30
The National Academy of Public Administration is an independent, non-profit, non-partisan organization chartered by Congress in 1967 to assist government leaders in building more effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent organizations. Its 800 Fellows -- who include former cabinet officers, Members of Congress, governors, mayors, and state legislators, as well as prominent scholars, business executives, and public administrators – meet annually.
Submitted by TFryer on Mon, 01/22/2018 - 21:28
The Academy’s annual meeting in mid-November heard from a wide range of discussants. Following are highlights from the opening panel: Panelists: The Honorable Beth Cobert, Deputy Director for Management (DDM), Office of Management and Budget; and The Honorable Dan Tangherlini, Administrator, General Services Administration Highlights: Opening Remarks. In her opening remarks, Beth Cobert noted that the Obama Administration’s management agenda “focuses on what can we do now, that will have an impact on citizens.” The agenda is based on what agencies have learned over the past several years.
Submitted by evalery on Tue, 01/02/2018 - 11:56
How do you assess the effectiveness and impact of mission support functions -- human resources, acquisitions, finance, technology, etc. -- on an agency’s mission?
Submitted by cmasingo on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 15:08
(Dan Blair, President of the National Academy of Public Administration, collaborated on this blog)