The Blogging Revolution: Government in the Age of Web 2.0

Dr. Wyld examines the phenomenon of blogging in the context of the larger revolutionary forces at play in the development of the second-generation Internet, where interactivity among users is key. This is also referred to as "Web 2.0." Wyld observes that blogging is growing as a tool for promoting not only online engagement of citizens and public servants, but also offline engagement. He describes blogging activities by members of Congress, governors, city mayors, and police and fire departments in which they engage directly with the public.

Can Governments Create Universal Internet Access? The Philadelphia Municipal Wireless Network Story

A confluence of factors has recently made municipal wireless networks (MWNs) an increasingly feasible and attractive option for municipal governments seeking to promote more equitable and universal access to the Internet within their communities. To provide a better understanding of this approach, this report describes the drivers and inhibitors to MWNs. These insights are based on a case study of the development of the Philadelphia municipal wireless network, illustrating the practical application of the MWN concept and specific lessons learned from the Philadelphia experience.

Bridging the Digital Divide for Hard-to-Reach Groups

Boeltzig and Pilling identified specific groups of people who typically are not connected to the Internet and examined the circumstances of each - rural, poor, disabled, seniors, and ethnic minorities. They focused on how these groups of people, such as homebound individuals, could benefit most from using online government services. They also identified technical as well as social barriers that limit access. Their recommendations are aimed at both increasing access for these targeted groups and increasing use by individuals in the targeted groups.

The Philadelphia SchoolStat Model

Philadelphia’s SchoolStat is a case study of the adaptation of a successful management model, CompStat, developed over a decade ago by new York City’s Police Department. The model has since been adapted by various city agencies in new York; by cities, such as Baltimore’s CitiStat; and by some state governments, such as Maryland’s new StateStat. The School District of Philadelphia is one of the most prominent early efforts to adapt this model to improving the management and performance of schools.

Benchmarking Procurement Practices in Higher Education

This report focuses on the procurement function within higher education. Since universities are spending billions of dollars on a range of goods and services, it seemed prudent to conduct a benchmarking study of procurement practices across a broad range of colleges and universities. This study seeks to uncover leading practices that colleges and universities across the nation, as well as other nonprofit organizations, may consider adopting as they wrestle with common financial challenges.

Improving Service Delivery in Government with Lean Six Sigma

Since the passage of the government Performance and Results Act of 1993, there has been increased interest in the federal government on improving service delivery and delivering results. Dr. Maleyeff’s report is a comprehensive review of how public sector managers can use Lean Six Sigma to improve the execution and delivery of results. Dr.

Managing for Better Performance: Enhancing Federal Performance Management Practices

This report reviews the history of performance management efforts within the federal government and discusses the successes, challenges, and failures over the years. In addition, the report offers insights from other performance management experiences in both public and private sector organizations. The authors describe differences between private and public sector performance management practices, as well as present a comparative analysis of corporate and non-corporate use of good management practices.

What All Mayors Would Like to Know About Baltimore’s CitiStat Performance Strategy

Dr. Behn prepared this report to summarize and present the questions most frequently posed to citiStat staff and to Mayor Martin O'Malley. The report explains how CitiStat should be viewed as a management strategy rather than a management system. When viewed as a management strategy, Dr. Behn argues, the program can be replicated and customized to each mayor's individual needs and priorities. A key insight is that there is no single, right approach as to how to develop a successful management performance and accountability structure.

Seven Steps of Effective Workforce Planning

This report introduces the Seven-Step Workforce Planning model, which provides a sound framework for understanding the basic elements of workforce planning. The model incorporates workforce planning concepts from two organizations: the International Public Management Association for Human Resources and the Office of Personnel Management.

Engaging Citizens in Measuring and Reporting Community Conditions: A Manager's Guide

Dr. Ho presents two case studies - one from Des Moines, Iowa; the other from Boston, Massachusetts - where government agencies and citizen groups reported their own or their government's performance, respectively. While each of these cases reflects different strategic approaches, they both attempt to bring together what government does and what citizens see as being important in their community. In his report, Dr.
