Redesigning Government: U.S. Virgin Islands Style

I left DC at a chilly 25 degrees a couple days ago and arrived in a place with a temperature of 77 degrees with flowers, sunshine, and palm trees.  While only on the ground less than 48 hours, it was a treat!  I’d never been there before and found quickly that the islanders live in a hilly place, with narrow, windy roads and drive on the left (like the British).  And the streets don’t have names or addresses! Fortunately, I didn’t rent a car!

Weekly Roundup: December 5-9, 2016

John Kamensky

Weekly Roundup: December 12-16, 2016

John Kamensky

New Volcker Alliance Report: What Americans Want from Government.  The Volcker Alliance report, by Dr. Paul Light, says: “Americans are equally divided between dismantling and priority setting, suggesting that the choice between the two philosophical groups is linked to life circumstances, disillusionment, and partisanship.” Light lays out five reform proposals that reflect public sentiment after the election.

USA Suite – Integrating Human Capital Management Services to Help Government Innovate and Operate Efficiently

OPM leads the Federal Government's efforts to improve strategic human capital management.  OPM focuses on building a professional civil service based on merit principles, where Federal employees can effectively serve the public throughout the employment life cycle – while also receiving benefits and services from “hire to retire” that are consistent with best practices.  That effort continues today as OPM embarks on a new initiative to integrate HR offerings and HR data sets across the Government.

Does Benchmarking Make a Difference?

Initially, these comparisons were only among the 24 major departments and agencies.  Today, Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey data are available to line managers across 28,000 work units.  The survey results are used to gauge employee engagement, and to fine tune management priorities.  Most career senior executives are held accountable for trends in employee survey results in their organizations. 

Weekly Roundup: December 18 - 31, 2016

68 percent. Government Executive reports: “Sixty-eight percent of the federal government’s top career corps will experience their first presidential transition in January as senior executives, according to data from the Office of Personnel Management.” 

Personnel Assurance for Government: What Commercial Best Practices Can Bring to Help Modernize the Security Clearance Process

Experience from industry practices and industry research regarding personnel security provide interesting insights and lessons learned for government to consider.   These findings emerged from a recent roundtable discussion held in November and co-hosted by the IBM Center for The Business of Government and the National Academy of Public Administration.  The roundtable intended to help identify commercial benchmarks that can inform government choices.

Weekly Roundup: January 2-6, 2017

Michael J. Keegan

Does have a future? is the web-based marketplace where users shop for health plans. It includes a data hub that transmits eligibility information across federal agencies and an identity management system that handles user registration and updates and pings insurance issuers and the exchanges in states that manage their own systems.

Weekly Round-up: December 03, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

