Eric Dishman

On April 10, 2016, Eric Dishman was selected as Director of the All of UsSM Research Program, formerly known as the Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program.

Marilyn A. DeLuca, PhD, RN

Dr. Marilyn A. DeLuca is a registered professional nurse, a global health workforce advocate, and founder of the consultancy Global Health-Health Systems-Philanthropy. She serves as an adjunct associate professor in the College of Nursing and a research assistant professor in the School of Medicine at New York University (NYU).

Leading the Defense Health Agency: Interview with Lt. Gen. (Dr.) Douglas Robb, director, Defense Health Agency

With the creation of the Defense Health Agency, DoD has taken a step in changing the way it delivers care. DHA is the starting point for comprehensive enterprise-wide reform.

Using Crowdsourcing In Government

The growing interest in “engaging the crowd” to identify or develop innovative solutions to public problems has been inspired by similar efforts in the commercial world.  There, crowdsourcing has been successfully used to design innovative consumer products or solve complex scientific problems, ranging from custom-designed T-shirts to mapping genetic DNA strands.