Submitted by cmasingo on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 12:34
Transition Underway. According to Government Executive: “An org chart floated around the capital showed that the Trump team has set up six prongs for agency action, as Politico reported. Work on these areas will be led by Boston Consulting Group adviser Ron Nicol.
Submitted by cmasingo on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 10:32
We are pleased to announce our latest round of awards for new reports on key public sector challenges, which respond to priorities identified in the Center's research agenda. Our content is intended to stimulate and accelerate the production of practical research that benefits public sector leaders and managers.
We expect the following reports to be published later in 2017. Short summaries of each report follow:
Submitted by cmasingo on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 09:48
Blog Co-Authors: Tim Cooke, CEO of ASI Government and Steve Kelman, Weatherhead Professor of Public Management at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Submitted by rthomas on Thu, 12/21/2017 - 16:29
Cloud computing, social networks, identity … the promise of new technologies to help Federal agencies reach their goals is stronger than ever. At the same time, agencies and contractors who want innovation to bring change are often stymied by lengthy, complex government processes, including those for hiring or training good IT Program Managers, requesting funds though the Federal Budget (a 2-year cycle), and doing an acquisition once the funds are awarded. Add to this an environment where government and industry see more reasons not to talk to reach other about risks and rewards than they
Submitted by cmasingo on Thu, 12/21/2017 - 10:40

The impetus for this event was the coalescing of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act in 2015, the Program Management Improvement and Accountability Act of 2016, and guidance from the executive branch, which have combined to drive changes that will affect contractors as well as the federal government.
Submitted by cmasingo on Thu, 12/21/2017 - 10:18
Good News: Acquisition Reform Works. Steve Kelman writes in FCW: “cost growth in the development of new weapons systems has slowed.” He explored “why” and concluded that the acquisition reforms over the past decade has finally made a difference.
Submitted by rthomas on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 13:58
This week the General Services Administration (GSA) is hosting its 49th annual Interagency Resources Management Conference. An estimated 300 Chief Acquisition Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Human Capital Officers, Inspectors General, program managers and other senior executive leaders are attending. It is the most well known government-wide, government-only conference where leaders delve into emerging management issues and how they are being confronted.
Submitted by rthomas on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 13:21
In its first year, the Obama contracting and procurement reform agenda has been heavy on executive orders and memos to “rein in” contractors. These were largely in response to campaign commitments and led to a flurry of activity in agencies.
Submitted by rthomas on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 12:21
Most of the news media focused on the size of the budget and which agencies gained or lost. However, the budget also included an overview of the Obama Administration’s management initiatives, as well.
The overall emphasis of these initiatives is on achieving defined mission-oriented results. It de-emphasizes (but still addresses) improvements to mission-support functions and the reporting of performance information.
Submitted by rthomas on Wed, 12/20/2017 - 09:19