Engaging a Multi-Generational Workforce: Practical Advice for Government Managers

They note that even with the recession, over half the workforce is unsatisfied with their jobs and that the workforce now spans four generations. These challenges are compounded by rapid technology changes in the workplace. When taken together, they create enormous challenges for managers in both the public and private sectors.
This report examines six trends now occurring in the workplace and describes how managers can successfully engage all four generations to be committed to the success of their organization. For example, each of the four generations has different learning and communication styles, different work-life balance needs, and different preferences in how their contributions are recognized. Understanding these differences and preferences can lead to a more effective organization.
One key to successful organizations today is to have workers bring their discretionary energy and passion to work. Hannam and Yordi describe successful techniques in doing so, such as increased mentoring of young employees and ”reverse mentoring” where young employees help older workers develop social media skills and understand the networking styles of the “Millennial Generation.”
The authors conclude that the diversity in the workforce today may be a challenge to managers but a positive force for the organization because they each bring different set of skills and life experiences to the workplace. Studies show that this can increase innovation and improve productivity if properly managed.