Government for the Future: Reflection and Vision for Tomorrow’s Leaders
It is from this longer-term perspective about the performance and potential for government that the IBM Center for The Business of Government wrote Government for the Future: Reflection and Vision for Tomorrow’s Leaders. Since 1998, the IBM Center has published research from more than 400 outside contributors—largely from academia, as well as nonprofits and journalists. Collectively, these contributors created a body of knowledge about best practices and lessons learned for government improvement. In addition, the IBM Center has developed a record of public sector challenges and opportunities through more than 500 interviews with government leaders on its radio show, the “Business of Government Hour.” In Government for the Future, we draw from this rich repository of content to reflect on major drivers of public sector progress over the past two decades.
More importantly, reflection on this content provides a foundation to paint a vision of what government management may look like two decades hence. As described below, we have built on this foundation to bring together a set of viewpoints about the public sector in 2040, through a set of collaborative brainstorming sessions and a crowdsourcing of ideas about future scenarios. This vision of tomorrow’s government is framed through essays from experts that lay out a roadmap for how to maximize benefits and minimize risks, with potential innovations ranging from the workplace of the future to the advancement of space exploration.
The IBM Center has been privileged to contribute cutting-edge research that led to practical, actionable recommendations for government executives during the last twenty years, and to have collaborated with like-minded organizations to improve government performance. With Government for the Future, we look continue this collaboration among government, academia, nonprofits, and industry through the next twenty years.
Examines six significant and enduring management trends of the past twenty years:
Book chapters will debut with a summary blog post, about two every week, starting 10/23/18.
Looks twenty years ahead and consists of two sections:
Perspectives on the Future
Envisioning the Road Ahead
Read the Government Executive article, "Hope for Reforming Government in Polarized Times?"
Read the Federal News Network article, "Having a consistent OMB DDM can impact federal management more than any specific agenda."
Read the Government Executive article, "Learning from Government's Past to Anticipate its Future."
Take a peek at video segments from our event, "The IBM Center for The Business of Government Turns 20: Discussion of a Government for the Future."
Introductions and Event Overview
| Envisioning the Future: Looking Ahead. Academic perspectives from our book- Government of the Future |
Reflecting on the Past 20 Years to Inform the Future. OMB Deputy Directors for Management - Four Administrations | Academic Partners on the IBM Center's Mission and its Impact
You may also be interested in reading the National Governors Association report, "Transition and the New Governor: A Planning Guide." This was written to focus almost exclusively on issues confronting the governor in the exhilarating but often difficult transition period. In offering guidance to new governors, this guide relies on advice offered by experienced governors to their newly elected colleagues.
Road image courtesy of nuttakit at FreeDigitalPhotos.net