A New Corridor Open in the State Department

When Twitter launched in 2006, it would have been impossible--perhaps even irresponsible--to predict its success or the ways in which people would use the platform, shape its language, and through it, change the social media landscape.  Over time, the people who used Twitter helped identify the most valuable features (hashtags, anyone?) and its most relevant fora (conferences and

Post-Award Contract Management – Where the Acquisition Rubber Meets the Performance Road

Weekly Roundup May 20, 2016

Report card day: Agencies remain average or below on IT reforms. House lawmakers are set to release the second scorecard grading agencies’ implementation of the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) and the progress across all four categories is limited.

The Pendulum of Government Efficiency

US Healthcare spend...are we managing our resources effectively?

Are the Performance Pieces Finally Falling Into Place?

Back in 1993, reformers thought that if agencies developed strategic plans, operating plans, and measures of progress, that decision makers would use the resulting information to manage better.  That didn’t work.  In 2001, the Bush Administration thought that if a scorecard of more discrete performance information at the program level was created, that decision makers would use it to manage better.  That didn’t work either.  In fact, a recent article in Public Administration Review by professors Donald Mo

Weekly Roundup: May 23 - June 3, 2016

Using Design Thinking to Make a Difference
