GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 8
Submitted by rthomas on Fri, 12/22/2017 - 14:34

Monday, January 17, 2011
Other Implementation Provisions. The new law contains a number of other implementation provisions worth highlighting:
- Skills and Competencies to be set. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) must identify, “. . . in consultation with the PIC, to identify key skills and competencies related to performance management in the federal government not later than one year after the enactment date of this Act. Not later than two years after the enactment of this Act, the Director of OPM must incorporate such skills and competencies into relevant position classifications and agency training.”
- Use of Balanced Measures required. Agency performance plans must “establish a balanced set of performance indicators to be used in measuring or assessing progress toward each performance goal, including, as appropriate, customer service, efficiency, output, and outcome indicators. . . .”
- CHCO role in goal achievement. Agency chief human capital officers must “provide a description of how the [agency’s] performance goals are to be achieved, including – the operation processes, training, skills and technology, and the human, capital, information, and other resources and strategies required to meet those goals. . . “
- Plans to be revised in one year. Agency strategic and performance plans for FY 2013 must be revised to reflect the requirements under this law by February 6, 2012.
- First agency quarterly reviews to be completed soon. Agencies must conduct their first quarterly performance reviews on progress towards their priority goals outlined in the FY 2011 budget for the quarter ending June 30, 2011.
- Eliminate obsolete mandated congressional reports. And in the continuing tradition of eliminating “obsolete” congressionally mandated reports, the new law tries again to do what the 1982 Congressional Reports Elimination Act, the Federal Reports Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995, and the Reports Consolidation Act of 2000 failed to do.
- Implementation cost estimates. According to the Senate committee report, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that compliance with the provisions in this new law would require about $1 million in new resources, per major agency.
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