Gina Vega

Gina Vega is Assistant Professor of Management at Merrimack College, where she teaches courses in organizational behavior, business ethics, and the theory of management. She is research director for the Project for the Study of Telecommuting Practices.

Dr. Vega is a graduate of Queens College/CUNY (1968 - BA Romance Languages, 1987 - MA Urban Studies/Community Development), and the Union Institute Graduate School (1995 - Ph.D. Organizational Behavior/Entrepreneurship).

Louis M. Brennan

Louis Brennan is currently based at Trinity College Dublin where he is Director of the Institute for International Integration Studies and Professor of Business Studies within the School of Business. He was previously a faculty member at Merrimack College, having most recently served as Associate Professor in the Department of Management. He was also research associate for the Project for the Study of Telecommuting Practices at Merrimack College. Dr.

Implementing Telework: Lessons Learned from Four Federal Agencies

This report offers practical implementation advice to agency leaders and front-line managers faced with implementing the newly-enacted law expanding telework opportunities to over one million federal workers.

Telework has been touted as being a winning strategy for government.  A study by the Telework Research Network claims potential savings for the federal government of nearly $3.8 billion as a result of reduced real estate costs, electricity savings, reduced absenteeism, and reduced employee turnover.