Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson is a specialist in government budgeting and accounting. He currently teaches at the Atkinson Graduate School of Management atWillamette University, where he is Grace and Elmer Goudy Professor of Public Management and Policy Analysis. He previously taught in Columbia University appointments at UCLA of British Columbia. Professor Thompson has held senior staff positions with the Economic Council of Canada and the Department of Finance of the State of California.

Beyond Citizen Engagement: Involving the Public in Co-Delivering Government Services

The Obama Administration’s 2009 Open Government initiative sparked innovative ways of engaging the public in government. But engagement for engagement’s sake has not been an end goal.  Trends in both the public and private sector, in the U.S. and around the world, have been to leverage new technologies available to create meaningful dialogue and relationships between citizens and their government.

Transforming State Government Services Through Process Improvement: A Case Study of Louisiana

In the wake of the Katrina disaster, one Louisiana state agency leader used the “clean slate” provided as an opportunity to re-design the eligibility determination process for health care benefits provided to citizens in need. This report is a first-hand story of commonsense management, using basic process management techniques to re-design a vital element of service delivery. Author Vicki Grant describes step-by-step processes used by a front-line agency leader to make a huge difference for thousands of beneficiaries of Louisiana's public healthcare system.