NEW Spring/Summer 2012 - The Business of Government Magazine

 outline successes, and tell us how they, in their own unique way, are making a difference in an era of fiscal austerity.

Leaders Speak on Leadership and Public Service: Amb. Patrick Kennedy, Adm. Thad Allen, and Dave Wennergren

For a decade, The Business of Government Hour has brought you leading government executives who are changing the way government does business. Each week, our guests join us for an informative, insightful, and in-depth conversation about their careers, their agencies, agency accomplishments, as well as their vision of government in the 21st century.  Over last five years, we have interviewed more than 250 government executives. It is from this rich library that we have culled together their insights on important public management issues.

Analytics and Risk Management: Tools for Making Better Decisions

Decisions based on bad information can lead to poor results and be quite costly to organizations. This may culminate in the squandering of opportunities, taking on unnecessary risk, misallocating resources, and ultimately not achieving strategic goals or objectives. At a time of shrinking budgets and increasing expectations to do more with less, making better decisions based on informed judgment has taken on even more significance for both private sector and government organizations.

Improving the Presidential Transition


On Wednesday, January 13, approaching the first year anniversary of the Obama administration, the Partnership for Public Service will release a report entitled, Ready to Govern: Improving the Presidential Transition, on improving the presidential transition. Based on exclusive interviews with key transition officials from both the Obama and McCain campaigns, and the Bush White House, this report examines the transition beginning early 2008 through the President’s first year in office.

Managing a responsive supply chain in support of U.S. military operations

Profile of Vice Admiral Alan Thompson, Director, Defense Logistics Agency

Conversations with Leaders: Admiral Thad Allen

With more than 218 years of service to the nation, the U.S. Coast Guard is a military, multimission maritime organization that safeguards U.S. economic and security interests. We had the pleasure of speaking with Admiral Allen about the Coast Guard modernization, its many successes, and the use of social networking and Web 2.0 technologies. Here's an excerpt.
On Leveraging Web 2.0 and Social Networking Technologies-- I’ve been following the evolution of both social networking theory and information technology for quite some time.
