A Weapon on the War for Talent: Using Special Authorities to Recruit Crucial Personnel

To meet the need for highly skilled professionals and administrators whose talents are in great demand in the public and private sectors, Congress has given special authority to certain federal agencies to hire such people under streamlined procedures and at salaries that are very high by federal standards. This report inventories and describes the various applications of these authorities in different agencies. The study analyzes the uses to which these authorities have been put and assesses their value to the agencies.

Modernizing Human Resources at the Internal Revenue Service

This project describes the many human resource innovations that have taken place in the Internal Revenue Service over the past five years. Organizational human resource innovations include splitting the personnel function in IRS into three parts: the Office of Strategic Human Resource Management, agency-wide Shared Services, and "embedded" human resource units in each of the major operating divisions. This project also describes the use of broadbanding at the IRS.

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