Effective Leadership in Network Collaboration: Lessons Learned from Continuum of Care Homeless Programs

These are very important questions and a recent IBM Center report,Effective Leadership in Network Collaboration: Lessons Learned from Continuum of Care Homeless Programs tackles these questions by examining collaboration within the context of homeless policy networks,an area receiving significant policy attention in recent years.

Weekly Roundup for September 16, 2016

Michael J. Keegan 

Devil’s in the details for implementing VA Commission recommendations.The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee took on the recommendations from the VA Commission on Care’s recent report on veterans health care.

Weekly Roundup for September 23, 2016

Michael J. Keegan

FAA looks to take over commercial space traffic control. The Federal Aviation Administration is making the case that it and not the military should police commercial space traffic, and Congress is helping the flight agency take the first step.

Weekly Roundup for September 30, 2016

Michael J. Keegan

Obama signs continuing resolution to keep agencies running through Dec. 9. The president signed the continuing resolution Thursday, which Congress passed yesterday. The measure keeps the government functioning through Dec. 9.



Managing U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Interview with CBP Deputy Commissioner Kevin McAleenan

The U.S. continues to face a diverse array of traditional and asymmetric threats to its security. Seemingly isolated events can have serious consequences thousands of miles away. The US border is a nexus to a continuum of activities that impact our national security and prosperity – having a safe and secure border is critical!

Establishing The Center’s Leadership Fellow

Government leaders today have an opportunity to address serious public management issues that go to the core of effective governance and leadership, meeting seemingly intractable problems head-on.  Complex public sector challenges do not follow orderly and linear processes, and governments operate in an environment of limited resources while responsibilities seem to have increased (e.g., homeland security, home loan modifications, cybersecurity).

Vice Admiral Jack Dorsett: Strengthening the U.S. Navy’s Information Dominance for the 21st Century

In an increasingly interconnected and networked world, information possesses such significant power that it can no longer be viewed simply as an enabler to meeting one’s mission. Whether in business or defending the nation, information can act as a serious differentiator for those who leverage it and use it to their competitive advantage. The U.S.

Journey of Discovery: Interview with Dr. Ellen Stofan, NASA Chief Scientist

NASA leads the nation on a great journey of discovery, seeking new knowledge and understanding of our Earth, sun, solar system, and the universe— out to its farthest reaches and back to its earliest moments of existence.

To do this, it invests on the order of $3 billion annually in fundamental and applied research and technology development across a broad range of topics, including space and earth sciences, life and physical sciences, human health, aeronautics, and technology.

Weekly Round Up

Transition Underway.  According to Government Executive: “An org chart floated around the capital showed that the Trump team has set up six prongs for agency action, as Politico reported. Work on these areas will be led by Boston Consulting Group adviser Ron Nicol.

Weekly Round Up November 18, 2016

Trump teams begin meeting with federal agencies. President-elect Donald Trump has begun to deploy transition teams in three waves to meet with federal agencies.
