Perspectives on Power, Security, and Leadership with General Anthony Zinni (USMC Ret.)

In this complex and dynamic world of changing demands, the nature of security today requires that it be conceived more broadly than ever before. Some have called for a new vibrant strategic direction for US national security and foreign policy. Today's context presents a unique set of challenges and requires a new way of thinking about power, security, and leadership.

Weekly Round-up: August 04, 2011

Articles we found interesting, the week of August 01, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

Understanding the Many Communities within Open Government

Open Government advocates may fall into one or more of the following sub-communities: Transparency, Innovation, Engagement, Media.

It is tempting to think of the Open Government community as an undifferentiated body.

Sustaining the Information Sharing Environment: The Key Role of Security and Privacy

Protecting the systems and processes Federal, State, and local entities use to exchange information may seem to be a trade-off in terms of effective sharing, in which more security and privacy would appear to restrict the free flow of information; yet in the long term, data protection is a key enabler for the ISE.

The ability of Federal agencies to share information on effective practices, as well as issues of concern, has become a central mission goal for law enforceme

Wasteful or Wonderful?

How do you tell the different between when government programs overlap and duplicate each other versus when they complement and reinforce each other in a collaborative network?

Weekly Round-up - August 19, 2011

Articles we found interesting, the week of August 15, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda

August is a long and ecclesiastical month.  In its second full week, we find:
