Dr. Barclay P. Butler

Barclay P. Butler, Ph.D., MBA, serves as the J4, Component Acquisition Executive (CAE), and the Head of Contracting Actions (HCA), for the Defense Health Agency (DHA) as a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES). As the J4, Dr. Butler is responsible for oversight and approval of all acquisition matters for the DHA, including those undertaken by the Program Executive Officers, as well as the Agency’s directorates and offices.
Previously, he was the Director of Healthcare Technology Integration for the DHA, and served as the Acting Chief for Infrastructure and Operations (I&O), Health IT Directorate, DHA. As a health technology integrator, he was responsible for progress towards a fully interoperable healthcare record for the DoD through coordination efforts with Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), other federal agencies, private sector health delivery organizations, and Standards Development Organizations (SDOs). In support of Infrastructure and Operations, Dr. Butler was responsible for designing, deploying, securing, operating, and maintaining the IT environment supporting all healthcare operations in the DHA. In his prior roles, Dr. Butler served as the Director for the Interagency Program Office developing the interoperable medical record for the Department of Defense (DoD) and Veterans Affairs (VA).
Dr. Butler also has ten years of private sector experience where his last position was as the Vice President of Operations for the Healthcare Solutions Sector of Harris Corporation guiding the planning and execution of the Veteran Affairs VistA Imaging effort, Health Registries for both the VA and DHA, the State of Florida’s Health Information Exchange, and growing the Harris healthcare sector through both organic and through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) efforts to over $600M in annual revenue. Dr. Butler transitioned to the private sector from the military after 20 years in the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) where he served as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for the AMEDD leading medical information technologists supporting our military beneficiaries worldwide.
Dr. Butler has over 35 years of experience as a military and civilian Healthcare Information Technologist supporting the delivery of healthcare IT services improving quality of care, improving the experience of care, improving military readiness, reducing the cost of care, all while delivering improved value.