Managing For Results 2002

Managing for Results 2002 summarizes five innovative, yet practical, approaches that public sector organizations use to better manage for results, increase organizational performance, and improve accountability to stakeholders. Patrick J. Murphy and John Carnevale tell the story—and the lessons—of how the Office of National Drug Control Policy crafted a government-wide strategic plan to combat drug abuse in the United States. Paul E. O'Connell describes how New York City's Police Department slashed its crime rate by developing CompStat to track crimes and hold police commanders more accountable for cutting crime in their precincts. Peter Frumkin explains how the State of Oklahoma uses milestone contracting to improve the performance of non-profit social service providers. David Frederickson reports how the Federal Government Performance and Results Act also improves the accountability of state government. Finally, Kathryn E. Newcomer and Mary Ann Scheirer show how executives can use program evaluation to improve agency performance.
From these case studies, Mark A. Abramson and John M. Kamensky develop lessons which government leaders can use in managing their organizations for results.